My name is Yvette Tamara and I have been a medium clairvoyant for nearly all of my life.
You may have read about me in the national press or seen me on tour even come to one of my shows in the UK.
My gift came to me when I was only thirteen, when I could look at someone and know what was going to happen to them in their life. I inherited my gift from my Grandmother who was a very wise lady. She was having an affair with a rich man that kept her in the life style she wanted. He even bought a ticket for her on the titanic. Once on board she voiced her opinion that this ship is going to sink and I am not staying on it. And of course she was right.

My Great, Great Grandfather and Grandmother ‘Gladys’.

He loved writing poetry and I have given you a page to read of one of my late father’s poems which I still love and gives words of wisdom.
I love my work and most of all love helping people and to give them direction in life.