Date: 21st – 22nd October 2017
Location: Spain
Tel: TBC
Times: TBC
Tickets: TBC
Date: 1st – 8th November 2017
Location: Cork, Ireland
Tel: TBC
Times: TBC
Tickets: TBC
Date: November (TBC)
Location: TBC
Times: TBC
Tel: TBC
Tickets: TBC
Date: December 2017
Location: Dublin
Times: TBC
Tel: TBC
Tickets: TBC
Date: April 2018
Location: Los Angeles
Times: TBC
Tel: TBC
Tickets: TBC
Lounge Restaurant
Location: Whitstable
Date: 7th November
Details: Call 01277 636967 for tickets (contact kelly)
Brands Hatch Spa Hotel
Location: Brands Hatch
Date: 26th october
Details: Starts at 7pm, tickets £35. Call 01474 875015 for tickets.
17-18th March
The untouchables appear with their demonstrations of mediumship.

20-22 April
The untouchables will be appearing with a demonstration of mediumship.