Yvette Tamara
My name is Yvette Tamara and I have been a medium clairvoyant for nearly all of my life.
You may have read about me in the national press or seen me on tour even come to one of my shows in the UK.
My gift came to me when I was only thirteen, when I could look at someone and know what was going to happen to them in their life. I inherited my gift from my Grandmother who was a very wise lady. She was having an affair with a rich man that kept her in the life style she wanted. He even bought a ticket for her on the titanic. Once on board she voiced her opinion that this ship is going to sink and I am not staying on it. And of course she was right.
Email & Skype Readings Available. Call for more details.

Anna Costa
Let me introduce you to one of my dearest friends who now works with me on stage as the untouchables.
Let me introduce you to Anna Costa, medium clairvoyant to all the stars and celebrities . Anna always provides a quotation for her consultations and a signed NDA ensures that all consolations are legally binding. Yvette Tamara always states Anna is her best friend and guardian and acts as a mum to everyone.
Since Childhood Anna Knew That She Had A Special Gift. People Would Say That She Had A Vivid Imagination But She Knew That She Was Different From Her Friends.
She Was Intuitive And Perceptive To Other Peoples Thoughts And Feelings And Could Tell Them Things About Themselves And Their Future That Would Later Be Proved Correct. It Started As A Game But Later On In Her Teens, It Was Recognised That She Was Indeed Psychic And Had A Special Gift of Foreseeing The Future.
Email & Skype Readings Available. Call for more details.

Over The Last Decade Her Life Has Seen Change With Much Laughter And Tears. It Has Heightened Her Psychic Abilities And Enabled Her To Help Many People, Always Keeping The Confidentiality Of Her Clients Who Have Come From Stage, Screen, Television, Sport And Many Other Diverse Professions.
From Medieval Times To The Present Day, People From All Over The World And From All Walks Of Life Have Sought Guidance From The Mystics Of The Orient And Clairvoyants Of The Western World To Give Them Answers To Many Personal Questions.
Situations Change Circumstances With Different Aspects Of Life. The Cards Will Show What Is Happening Or Is Likely To Happen Within A Six-Month Period Of Your Reading. It Is Important To Recognise That The Cards Point To Possibilities.
Ultimately It Is In The Hands Of The Person Who Has Had The Reading As To Whether Or Not They Heed The Advice Given By The Psychic.
Anna Believes That Everyone Has A Guardian Angel And A Spirit Guide With Them At All Times. Her Spirit Guide Is Indian And Helps Her Tune Into Spirits When They Are There To Talk. Anna Cannot Guarantee To Bring Down Spirit At Every Reading. But When She Does It Is Amazing As To Just How Much Totally Private Information She Can Give To Even The Most Ardent Of Sceptics. Anna Welcomes Sceptics To Her Readings, Because More Often Than Not They Leave As Believers Rather Than Sceptics At The End Of Their Reading.
Anna Has Clients From All Over The World, From South America, South Africa, Australia & New Zealand To Here In Europe. Once Clients Have Visited Her Not Only Do They Refer Other People To Her But Come Back Again For Their Six Monthly Reading.
Anna Costa Testimonials
Thank you so much for my wonderful readings you gave me in spain on your last visit and for all the readings over the years. You have helped me so much to cope with all the adversities and have given me renewed hope and joy. You truly are an inspiration and the work you do is so special!
Love, Trish
Dear Anna,
I cannot begin to tell you about the feedback from the readings you did for so many at my house on your last visit. Each & every person has responded with such positivity saying you were “the best they had ever had”. I am now constantly bombarded with people asking “when will she be back?”.
Thank you so much for helping so many of my friends in so many different ways – you are a legend!!!!
Love & hugs
Rebecca. Xxx
“I can’t beleive how right Anna was, I had recently hurt my leg, she told me I would be entering the Commonwealth Games which I was training for and that I would go on to recieve a medal, which I did, bringing home from the Commonwealth Games the Bronze medal. This made me very excited… Thank you Anna”
“I was introduced to Anna through Laura Church, my Personal Trainer, I was quite taken aback with the information that Anna gave me.”
“I needed reassuring and I wasn’t too sure if I beleived in “psychics”. I asked Anna if she would give me a reading and she told me that within 7 days I would be asked to assist in the Nutrition work for Gillingham FC. On the 7th day after my reading I recieved a phone call from the Manager of Gillingham FC giving me the opportunity to be the
Club’s Nutritionist. I was also told by Anna that I would get problems associated with this Club, Press Wise, which I did. Although I was upset at the time with the publicity she also told me that this bad publicity would lead on to far better things for me work wise”
“I have always been very sceptical about clairvoyants! However, Anna never ceases to amaze me. She told me I was going to move house, which was not on the agenda at all as I was very happy where I was! An opportunity came along and within 2 weeks I had moved into a beautiful new house which was totally unexpected”
MARIA PELAEZ, Television Presenter
“I was at a stage in my life when I had children on different continents and really needed some answers. Anna gave me answers and advice and I am pleased to say my daughter and son are both now at university and through Anna’s guidance I was able to steer them in the right direction.”
CAROL PARDINI, Business Woman
“Anna Pearson is without doubt the most amazing person that I have ever met. Her psychic skills are on a level very rarely attained. An absolutely unforgettable experience.”
STEVE CLINE, Entertainment Manager RT.V.
“Anna has a true gift! She can help you to overcome any doubts you may have concerning your future and what it holds for you. Anna is known both in the UK and Spain for her most warming and caring attitude towards her clients.”
LIZ RODRIGUEZ, Media and Promotions specialist
“Anna was so spot on, I was very impressed!”
ANITA, The Beauty Magazine
The Roffen Club
Location: Rochester
Audience: SELL OUT! 150 attendees
Burlington Hotel
Location: Folkestone
Audience: SELL OUT!
Psychic Supper
Location: Cork, Irelanf
Audience: SELL OUT!
Lounge Restaurant
Location: Whitstable
Date: 7th November
Details: Call 01277 636967 for tickets (contact kelly)
Brands Hatch Spa Hotel
Location: Brands Hatch
Date: 26th october
Details: Starts at 7pm, tickets £35. Call 01474 875015 for tickets.
Brands Hatch Spa Hotel
Location: Brands Hatch
Date: Thursday 1st March
Details: Starts at 7pm, tickets £20. Call 07834 462 619 for tickets.